We have to imagine a better future before we can build it.

Stories are

the first step.

Photographer Hervé Simon. Artist Sêma Lao. License.

Our Mission

IRIS’ story-centered initiatives build networks and gathering spaces internationally to exchange knowledge, share strategy and build skills in storytelling and narrative shift to benefit communities. By identifying content that speaks to local realities in universal terms and seeding unexpected collaborations, we expand reach and diversify audiences for creative, story-centered solutions.

Our Vision

Storytellers don’t make change happen by themselves but change doesn’t happen without them. IRIS weaves together the imagination of independent storytellers, the expertise of narrative practitioners and the wisdom of the communities overcoming injustice.

Our video postcard from the 2021 Nuevas Horizontes narrative and storytelling summit for civil society activists in Mexico City, by Pataleta, captures our way of working in the words of those who joined us.


If you’re a storyteller

focused on communities, justice and power-building, we don’t have an open call for funding at this time but we want to get to know your work for that moment when the right opportunity emerges.

If you’re a civic leader

or other innovator, get to know our work and our world: check out our favorite projects, take a look at our narrative blog, and keep in touch through our newsletter.

If you’re a funder

IRIS can help weave independent storytellers, journalists and narrative strategists into your strategies, introducing powerful skills to supercharge your progress.

Photographer Dimuth Perera.
Sri Lankan Weaver, name unknown.

IRIS Ideas

The IRIS Narrative Blog and
@Large Content Blog

Photographer Markus Meier. License.

Safer Storytellers
Microsite and Resource Links

Co-Creating Media for
Equity and Justice


Photographer Kwame Lestrade, Purposeful.

Founding Funders

Project Funders