#@largecontent Mia Deschamps #@largecontent Mia Deschamps

Funding Narrative Ecosystems: The Highlights

In Philea’s “How philanthropy can fund the infrastructure for narrative power,” IRIS colleague Mandy Van Deven shares highlights from her panel during last year’s Confluence: Building Narrative Power. “How to Fund Narrative Ecosystems,” an in-depth analysis by Mandy and Jody Myrum, includes guiding principles and practice implications for funders supporting narrative change through their grantmaking as well as their capacity building.

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#brettdavidson Guest User #brettdavidson Guest User

Digging out from Narrative Collapse

In a widely viewed TedX talk back in 2009, Tyler Cowen urged his audience to be suspicious of stories. Cowen’s advice came in the context of increasing use of storytelling that Cowen felt could be manipulative because it moved people while hiding its creators’ biases, perspectives, and assumptions.

In an article in The Atlantic in 2023, James Parker observed that we now distrust narrative. We are in a crisis of narrative. Not (just) a contestation between different stories but a contestation and crisis over narrative itself. So what does all of this mean for those of us who work in the world of story and narrative?

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#@largecontent Mia Deschamps #@largecontent Mia Deschamps

A Safe Space to Share Everything: Redefining Success and Celebrating Interdependence

In May 2023, Global Impact Producers Alliance (GIPA) hosted a two-day, two-timezone Virtual Assembly for the community of impact practitioners to connect, learn, grow and more than anything: create a Safe Space to Share Everything. During the Share Everything event, GIPA comrade Maya Newell asked an important question: how do we turn distribution campaign priorities upside down?

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#@largecontent Mia Deschamps #@largecontent Mia Deschamps

Ficciones para el cambio social

Nuestra reciente tertulia del mes de septiembre fue un despliegue de inspiración y de ideas que mezclaron lo nuevo con lo ancestral. Hablamos de esto tan profundamente humano que es contar historias y desempacamos los modos en los que pueden ser un vehículo poderoso de cambios sociales y de impacto en la cultura.

Como guía de esta conversación tuvimos el privilegio de contar con Marianne Díaz Hernández, destacada escritora, investigadora y activista de derechos humanos en internet.

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#@largecontent Mia Deschamps #@largecontent Mia Deschamps

Sí, hablemos de medir el impacto

Si medir impactos y evaluar proyectos es ya complejo en cualquier proyecto, en el mundo del trabajo con narrativas la capa es doble. Tenemos la experiencia de experto/as, la vida de las comunidades, las representaciones que queremos poner al centro y las expectativas de quienes apoyan estos proyectos. Estamos todes a bordo del mismo tren, pero en vagones distintos, algo que por más que se busque evitar termina siendo el hilo conductor de buena parte de las experiencias.

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#brettdavidson Mia Deschamps #brettdavidson Mia Deschamps

How We Think About Thinking

It’s time to be more intentional about using machine metaphors for machines and telling better stories about humans.

Through descriptive language, music, sounds and images, stories engage our senses and our embodied thinking. They combine emotion, factual information and various forms of tacit knowledge, often in deceptively simple ways.

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#brettdavidson Guest User #brettdavidson Guest User

Blurring the Boundaries

We need new ways of thinking about our narrative change work.

When people think beyond the immediate problem they are trying to solve, when they envision a world in which they’ve already won, those visions of a just world end up being remarkably similar, no matter what issue they started from.

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