#@largecontent Mia Deschamps #@largecontent Mia Deschamps

Funding Narrative Ecosystems: The Highlights

In Philea’s “How philanthropy can fund the infrastructure for narrative power,” IRIS colleague Mandy Van Deven shares highlights from her panel during last year’s Confluence: Building Narrative Power. “How to Fund Narrative Ecosystems,” an in-depth analysis by Mandy and Jody Myrum, includes guiding principles and practice implications for funders supporting narrative change through their grantmaking as well as their capacity building.

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#@largecontent Mia Deschamps #@largecontent Mia Deschamps

A Safe Space to Share Everything: Redefining Success and Celebrating Interdependence

In May 2023, Global Impact Producers Alliance (GIPA) hosted a two-day, two-timezone Virtual Assembly for the community of impact practitioners to connect, learn, grow and more than anything: create a Safe Space to Share Everything. During the Share Everything event, GIPA comrade Maya Newell asked an important question: how do we turn distribution campaign priorities upside down?

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